The web has the promise that everyone can make money from advertising. So the question is how to not only create unique content that people want to read, but also how to drive traffic to your web pages once you are ready to monetize your content. In the SEO How To 101 articles I will try to cover the basics that will help you to achieve this.
Most of the web traffic that will hit your web site will be generated from search engines. Search engines rely on two primary criteria when evaluating the relevance of a page to a search query
1. Content Relevance is the first factor and it quantifies the keyword phrases that are relevant for your content. The higher the frequency of a phrase the higher the search engine rating.
2. Number of Incoming Links allows a search engine to evaluate how useful people perceive your content to be. The more links the better, but keep in mind that not all links are made equal. A link from a high quality web site rates much higher than links from sites that no one knows exist or visits. Also important to note is that some sites are “blacklisted” and getting a link from them will actually negatively affect your search engine rating. So the rule of thumb is to focus on quality links from web sites that have content relevant to the subject on your web pages.
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